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Week 1


  • Onboarding Calls: Had 5 onboarding calls to learn about different aspects of the beckn protocol
  • Set up Protocol Server: Successfully set up the protocol servers on local machine
  • Understanding the Beckn Protocol: Gain a comprehensive understanding of the Beckn Protocol
  • Project Setup and API Flow: Understand the complete setup process of the project and the work flow
  • Workflow for Beckn Implementation in DHP: Prepare a workflow based on understanding of how Beckn protocol works and can be implemented in a DHP


  • Learned about the beckn protocol through 5 onboarding calls

  • Explored the implementation of Beckn in real-world projects gaining insights into its practical application

  • Interacted with the mentor to clarify doubts and gain further understanding

  • Configured the sandbox environment for testing purposes

  • Understood the project setup process and the flow of APIs

  • Beckn Overview

  • Beckn Shared infrastructure